About passion

They say that you have to find your passion. That statement implies that there already is a passion of yours and that it simply needs to be discovered. From my experience, it is not simple as that. And I also disagree with this, because it almost says that we are predestined to have that one and only passion of ours. What if I do not want to have that passion, what if I want to have another one instead?

So now we can clearly see that there is logical flaw there. So how is it with passion?

The truth is, that passion is more like a nice flower that has to be watered to bloom. It all starts with a curiosity. You might wonder how something works, might be cars, buildings or society. And you probably wonder about many things. However human life is finite, so you have to choose. We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us. So we have chosen our path, and we start to dig deeper.

That is the beginning of the passion. You uncover part and discover something that keeps you interested. And slowly you know more and more about your passion, however, at the same time, you realise the vast amount of things you do not know. And you want to change it. You want to know ALL. It is not possible, the world keeps moving, but so do you. That interest and thirst for knowledge keep YOU moving.

And that is the real passion. You created it. Your own passion. You could have chosen something else, but the deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the harder it is to abandon it. You are hooked.

I could have chosen something else instead of architecture. I wonder how cars and planes work. I admire people who can invest in stock market and make huge money. I envy artists who can make a living by drawing. And from all the possibilities I could have become, I have chosen architecture. And now there is no going back. I need to know it ALL.



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