
What is art? Is architecture art? Why and why not?

Even though architecture bears some similar characteristics with other types of art, it also has many specifics that are unknown to art. Art itself is fairly free medium.  You can think of countless new ways how to do art. Or do new things in the sub-themes of art. Photography and its way how to perceive things. Painting and its techniques, objects to paint, emotions to depict. And there are so many other types of art, some of them just because someone said so.

Architecture can be seen as art because it starts with a vision. It can use art as its baseline, many architects and artist worked together and influenced each other. Aesthetics is the concern of both. Architecture is the expression of the architect, their life, experience and beliefs are all present in their design. Still, that is not enough to consider architecture art.

Architecture can be artistic, however, it is not art. At least from my point of view. It is not free. There are so many constraints, which are not present in other art forms. Some of them are crucial. To name just a few I would like to mention local planning laws, budgets and gravity. All of those can be challenged, but in the end, they cannot be broken. Architecture is often held hostage by many of these constraints. On the other hand, those constrain are vital to produce great architecture. Walking the thin line on the edge of the constraint and the tension that is made is often the most authentic feeling architecture can make on us.

For me, architecture is the highest form of the building science. You cannot have architecture without having a building. It always starts with a building. Unfortunately, many times it stays at this stage. Some lucky buildings can then proceed to next stage, being a piece of architecture. The line is blurred and thin. What distinguishes architecture from a mere building is for another post, but let’s get to art now.

Art is free. For me, that is its greatest quality. Great or not so great, you can express yourself in any way you want. I have seen so many pieces of art in my lifetime and I am definitely not any kind of art enthusiast. Art is quite common, great art is little less common. Art is in many places, many times in public space, there are exhibitions in the streets, graffiti by the highway, paintings in houses, photography all around the internet these days. All is free, you can do it, too, if you want to. Bad art will still be art, bad architecture is still an architecture, but you can also have building…that is the absence of architecture.

Art does not have to be useful. Art is there for us and itself. Art for art’s sake. Architecture is there for us. It must be safe for use. It must resist gravity, withstand our use and weather condition. Protect us from harm, hot and cold and much more. Its beauty is something that we should not take for granted.

Admit that architecture is not art, however, act as it is.



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