Bonsai and the art of patience

Many great things need one vital virtue. Patience. Thing I think I lack. But is that really, so? What is the patience? To me, being patient means to acknowledge, that some things cannot be done as quickly as I would like to. It is killing me. I want to see the results as soon as possible. When I come up with something I want to do it and put it out to world. In that way, I am impatient.

However some ideas need time. Lot of time. Time to grow and fully develop. Sometimes, it is good to wait and see, where the path will lead. On its own, without pushing it.

On the other hand, a friend of mine called me patient. Patient with people. Patient when I discuss with them and when I try to help. That surprised me. I considered myself to be very impatient person. Maybe I am wrong.

Few years ago, I started to grow few bonsai trees. Keeping a bonsai is a tedious work, it takes a lot of time, and the results come after years of waiting. What was I thinking? That I can keep them in nice shape and alive for such a long time? I was foolish. But some of them are still alive.

So when I got to visit my parents, I pruned few remaining ones. Those hard spruces, whoch are used to rough treatment. I am a terrible bonsai master. Still, I sat down for an hour and pruned and wired them. I do not know why. I will leave them again soon.

And because I know how much work does true bonsai need, I can really appreciate them. The most beautiful bonsai trees were grown for years and decades. It is not uncommon that the bonsai achieves its full glory when it is taken care of by grandchildren of those who planted it. Many times you plant someting with a knowledge that you won’t reap the fruit. But your children will.

And in some way. Sometimes. Building is like growing a bonsai. Sometimes, it needs time. You need to study what is needed. You need to catch the essence of the site. Let the house adapt to it, as a tree adapts to its harsh conditions. You can buy a bonsai, but without proper care, it will die soon. And you can buy a ready-made house. But is it worth it? You did not give a bit of yourself. And so, you do not truly see the value. We are obsessed with things, but we do not know what stands behind things. How they are made. The care that was put into making. We buy things as they are. We do not realize how hard was, to create it. To design, to make.

And for this, we need the patience. Knowledge is patience. It takes time to learn.

And in another way, the building is a sum of the materials. In nature you find trees and rocks. And a building can be broken down to stone or wood or metal as well. And these materials are shaped just as a bonsai is wired. The similarity is there because it is a process that interests us. Many things are shaped to its conditions. We could find many other examples. We need to realize that building is just that. It is a process. And we should all want to be a part of it.

Buildings are materials tamed. Nature put in form.

Stop for a while and appreciate man-made things around you. Patiently.



Be patient, I’ll try it.



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