Just keep swimming

Summer is here, but what does it mean for us? If you are a university student, you are now free. Free from the university routine. Free from deadlines, tasks, objectives.…


Amazing day in LEGOland 

The weather was amazing last week, so my girlfriend and I decided spontaneously to visit the birthplace of LEGO. The birthplace of LEGO is a town of Billund in the…


How I built the wall

Today, I would like to recall, what I did last summer. The idea sparked because I have been very busy recently, since presentation of our project is getting closer each…


Fighting complexity

I like simple things. Minimalistic design. Basic food. Subtle clothing. I love order, regularity and routine. I eat same breakfast every day. I hate unexpected. I want my life aligned.…

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My flat wants to kill me

It´s the beginning of April, I am sitting at my desk, writing this post and slowly melting. Why? Because my flat is trying to boil me alive! As an explanation,…


That's all folks

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