Constructing Architect Gift Guide 2017

It is that time of year again. Beginning of November, yet there are spruces and pines in every shopping mall. Carrols starts to annoy innocent people, who just need to buy groceries. And you slowly realise that you have not yet bought a gift for your favourite architect. Shopping for architects can be hard because their taste is very peculiar. However, there are many things, that can make architect smile. The only thing you have to do is follow my advice. Trust me, I know what architects want because I am one.



Every good architect has a stash of LEGO hidden somewhere around the house. If not, he is either not a good architect, or he is ashamed that his LEGO collection is not even worth mentioning. So if you will get him some, they will be delighted. Especially if it is going to be one from the architecture collection, you can choose from many iconic buildings from around the world or the skylines. My personal picks would London or Chicago from the skyline or the Guggenheim museum. And for the most immature passionate, I would recommend Architecture Studio, so they can build their own masterpieces in the comfort of their own living room.


leuchtturmMidori Traveler's Notebook - 1moleskine

Architects are in constant need of notebooks to sketch, scribble, note down, draw, paint or whatever they are doing with them ´cause it looks like they need at least hundred per year. Well, there is no harm in giving your personal architect one of the nice notebooks. You can choose from Leuchtturm1917/Moleskine/Midori. Architects have very peculiar taste and opinion on everything, but with these, you are not just buying a notebook. These are finely crafted masterpieces and they will certainly be appreciated. Leuchtturm1917 was established (surprisingly) in 1917 in Hamburg and they were well known for their stamp collecting album, which they are still producing today. Moleskine was originally French company associated with names like Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso and  Ernest Hemingway. Unfortunately, notebooks died out in the 80s but they were resurrected in the 90s by an Italian publisher. Midori is a little bit different, they are just 10 years old, but the quality is exceptional. The idea is that you have a leather cover and you can swap the paper inside once you have used it and change it for a new set and store the old one.

Oh, and one minor note, you can pick from black/white/grey. Yes, both Moleskine and Leuchtturm are in bazillion colours but architects do approve only shades and not colours.



True architect never has enough of these. They can be used for tearing tracing paper, as a paperweight…or… to produce nice and accurately scaled sketches, which is kind of what they should be used for. Maybe you say that I am old-fashioned. And it is true that nowadays architects more often wrestle with a mouse than with a pen. However, I believe in a power of sketching even in the 21st century and you should too. And if you want to please your favourite architect friend, get him some nice architectural scale, preferably a metal one.



Okay, be careful with this one. Every architect knows exactly what is the best kind of a pen or a marker for him. And most of the architects usually use only their personal favourite. Start observing what is number one brand for your architect and get him some. Or listen to them, there is 90% chance that they mention a desire for some fancy pen in a conversation. For me, that one brand is Stabilo, models point 88 and 68. Two thicknesses are enough for most cases. I have them in around twenty colours, I do not know why though since I only use black, grey and red. And I am very protective, I know the exact number how many of them I have in different places. There are two 88black and one 68black and 88red at my desk at school, one 88black,68 grey, 68 red and 19 other assorted colours at home. They are mine and the only one who can touch them are my groupmates (rarely) and the teachers (only some of them).

Concrete Stationary

One time favourite material of many architects, concrete. Hard, unforgiving, stable material. And now you can have a stationary set from it. If your favourite architect needs a spark of creativity from time to time, he can just touch its surface, because it is said that concrete is a good conductor of ideas.

And that is it. Just remember that material things are not everything and your favourite architect might as well need some company. Someone who can hear the complaints about the clients and/or boss. And someone to hear and praise all their amazing ideas.

Merry Christmas



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  1. pożyczki

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  2. pozyczka

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  3. pozyczka

    Blog online poświęcony okazuje się być płaszczyźnie trafnych inwestycji. Podobnie jak skarbowych pod postacią lokat, jak i również pozostałych. Aktualne zestawienia finansowe, jakie mają możliwość wesprzeć Wam na dopasowaniu opłacalnego kredytu hipotecznego istnieją opracowywane przez specjalistów zajmującymi się od wielu lat finansami. Najświeższe wiadomości ze świata bankowości. Omawianie odmian, które to mają szansę wpłynąć na plus w domowe a, także firmowe zasoby finansowe. W portalu internetowym mieszczą się charakterystyki każdego najznakomitszych rzeczy finansowych, także proponowanych za pośrednictwem parabanki. Serwis zdecydowanie 1 zręcznością nielicznych podjął się także problematyki asekurowań. Wraz ze stroną internetową nauczą się Państwo wkładać osobiste gospodarności. Natomiast jeżeli odrzucić mają Państwo oszczędności, wówczas niezmiernie przychylne sugestie nauczą zarządzania domowym budżetem. Na temat, iż jest to dopuszczalne nie należy się za bardzo czasochłonnie przekonywać. Wystarcza zajrzeć na, tak by użytkować na praktyce spośród niesłychanie pomocnych wytycznych. To dowód na to, iż szczędzić warto dodatkowo koło codziennych transakcjach, a także w stosunku do niepotrzebnych przedsięwzięciach https// pozyczki.

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