(Not so glamorous) day in a life of ATCM student

If you ever wondered (probably not but I am going to tell you anyway) how does a day in life of a constructing architecture student looks like, look no further. One ordinary Thursday, few weeks before exam, I have noted every activity I went through during the day and took some photos. So now you can get an overwiev, what do I do during normal school days.

6:25 Wake up

Since it is June, the sun in Denmark rises around 4:45 in the morning. Therefore when my alarm rings, I am already fully awake and ready to start my day.

6:32 Have a breakfast

The very first thing I do is to have a breakfast, as I have written in breakfast deconstructed…..
6:53 Leave Life of a constructing architect HQ……link

7:03 Take a bus number 5 to Vejle Trafikcenter

The sun is shining and I am ready to start my journey to school. The ride to the Trafikcenter takes around 10 minutes.

7:29 Take train to Horsens

The trains are very comfortable and only rarely late. It takes 15 minutes to get to Horsens

7:50 Take bus number 1 or 2 to VIA university

The last leg of my voyage is another 15 minutes ride with bus. During the traveling both to and from school I either read, brainstorm ideas for this blog or look for eye candies and interesting articles on instagram/twitter.

8:08 Arrival to school

8:20 Global days with danish students

First two lessons today were dedicated to cooperation with students, who study the same programme as we do, but in Danish. We showed each other one of our details and gave some useful comments to them. We also translated our details. So now I have my favourite eave detail in Danish.

9:42 Calculation of a column

I got to our classroom and started finishing static journal. I improved my Excel spreadsheet with calculation and I added it to our static journal.

10:07 Finishing of our static journal

I did some final touches on our static journal. Formatting and hyperlinks to different chapters.

10:27 Calculation of energy frame

I got interupted by building services teacher. He explained more about software used for calculation of the energy frame. However, this semester we only need to calculate design transmission loss and we have done that already.

12:07 Lunch

I ate lunch I prepared for myself the day before and I talked little bit with people around.

12:41 Finishing static journal again

I got the last piece I was missing from my groupmate and I finally can say that structural design for this semester is done.

12:57 Discussion about price of graphite polystyrene with Kristyna

Comparing the prices of standard and graphite polystyrene and few quick calculations.

13:21 Site plan

I finally got to finish the site plan I started yesterday. I added some details, legend and levels. I showed it to our teacher and then added some more things. 

16:00 Leaving school

At 4 o’clock sharp I left the school to get back to Vejle to work.

16:15 Taking bus number 1 or 2 to Horsens Trafikterminal.

As usual, the bus was quite late.

16:41 Train to Vejle

The train arrived on time, but it was full, so I had to sit on the stairs. I summed up last few hours for the blogpost you are reading now.

16:56 Arrival to Vejle Trafikcenter

I arrived to Vejle and did a quick grocery shopping, since I will not have much time tommorow.

17:15 Arrival to work

My shift begins. I help in the kitchen of Vejle Sushi Hus. We were pretty busy today, so I am quite exhausted. On the other hand, I find it relaxing not to have to think about anything and just quickly manually work. And I love sushi, which is also healthy.

20:33 Bus number 5 home

I usualy end at 8 o’clock, sometimes later, when it is needed.

20:47 Arrival home

21:07 Editing this article for publishing (boooooring)

21:49 Shower

21:55 Sunset in Denmark

22:04 Go to bed

Dreaming…maybe I can design something tommorow…





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