My flat “As-builts”

What do constructing architects do in their free time? If you would have guessed they do their favourite hobby, you would be wrong. It is known that architects generally do not have hobbies. At least not as normal people. Hobbies of architects are just an extension of their work. Architects take photographs, sketch, read, but all of this is basically architecture in disguise.

And since there is now Easter holiday, I had some time to do what I was putting aside for a long time. I drew flat where my girlfriend and I live. This kind of drawings is called “As-builts” and it is one of the architects favourite thing to do. When architects have enough of drawing in the office and come home late in the evening and they want to relax, they just generate drawing of their own house. There is definitely something wrong with architects.

One of the perks of these drawings is that you will get different perspective of your own house or flat and also you may think about possible extensions, remodels or any other project you your girlfriend/wife wants to do. Well, let´s admit it, working on your own house is pain, but planning and drafting is fun!Our flat-1.png

Okay, here it is. It is definitely just a quick draft. But I was so excited about it that I have to post it now.

Below you can see how the space looked like the minute we moved in. Yes, we have enormous curtain wall facing south that is killing me. But the space is amazing. Nearly 5 meters high ceiling above the main space. It feels so spacious and light.


And above the kitchen and bathroom is a sleeping platform accessible by ladder. Not for children or elderly people, but for young students it is perfect and it feels really cozy up there.


But back to the As-builts. We live on the second floor. So we have quite a nice view on the river Grejs and other repurposed factory. (Yes we live in a repurposed factory)

Labeled as Multi-purpose room is our main space. We divided it in the middle by cabinet and wardrobe, so we have privacy when we need to work. The desk by the wider part of the curtain wall is mine, the other one is my girlfriend´s. There is also our tiny dining table, which can be unfold when somebody visits. Note the crosshatched square in the middle, that is column which supports upper floors.

Our kitchen is small, but it has everything we need. And our tiny bathroom. It is fine and again, it has everything, just do not think about the fact that when you sit on the toilet, you are just a step from the kitchen.

Next to the column you can also see the ladder, which is the only access to the sleeping platform.

Our flat-1

And there we sleep, and we love it. It is so nice to snuggle in our elevated bedroom. As you may recall, this bedroom is an example of really secure bedroom. It is above the main floor, so you can see and hear everything that is happening below, and in case somebody wants to murder you in the sleep, you can simply kick him down from the ladder. Convenient.Our flat-2


Oh and about that structural column, here is the photo of the atrium in the middle, where the structural part is clearly expressed. There are no flats since those would have no natural sunlight.IMG_2525.JPG

What do you think about our flat? Could you live in it? Should we move some of the furniture? Feel free to leave a comment.




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