Testing ideas

I am in the process of making another book. If it is worth publishing is yet to see, but one of the stages I want to share with you is testing.

How do my ideas perform when tried by others? Maybe they sound good only in my head.

And because there were my brother and my girlfriend’s brother and sister visiting us, I used them as test animals.

Neither of them has anything to do with architecture, still, the bricks were tempting for them.

I gave them few of my challenges and I was carefully watching them. They probably weren’t happy.

It was interesting to see them. Suddenly, somebody was taking an approach, that was so different from mine. I was thinking. What are they doing? And in the end, what they have made was very clever.

And also very different. Not just from me, but from each other.

4 people were given the same task. And we got 4 totally different outcomes. It probably should not surprise me. Still, it was amazing to see it in reality.

I hope that if this book will see the light of the world, it will inspire other people as much as it inspired people that are close to me.

However, that is still a long way to go.


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