Turned twenty

Oh my… another year older. I wanted to write something clever about aging. Something like that wine gets better as it gets older, but that is not always true. Or the leather that gets rugged and shows its qualities. Or old buildings which are becoming one with the nature. But most of these things about aging are clichés anyway.

Such as:

Men do not grow up, they just get bigger.(absolutely true in my case – I love this quote)

That is the way of partial denial of the aging. Because man itself coined the concept of age. Some might feel young at heart until the very end. And some embrace aging and maturity that sometimes comes with it.

Such as:

I’m like a fine wine. I get better with age. The best is yet to come.

What do I think about aging? Damn, I have no idea. I do not think about it at all. Just today, because it is my twentieth birthday and I needed some clever thing for this blog. And I am getting nowhere.

I do not think about age in years. Maybe more like days. Every day when I did something great, when I made something or made someone happy is a great day for me. And those days when I did not do much … I hate myself for them. Time is passing slowly. Tick, tock.

I turned twenty and I just feel damn same as yesterday. Is it good? Is it bad? Hell, I do not know.

What do you think of aging? Should I worry about it? Do you have some clever remarks about aging?

I just do not know if I should feel something special.

To confusion

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